Toy Asylum shines its spotlight on our favorite Dreadnok queen.
GI Joe toys have come a long way since the 80’s and 90’s. The wonders of technology have led to vast improvements in terms of articulation, attention to detail, and the accessories included.

Along with Zartan and Xandar, Zarana forms the core of the deadly biker gang ‘The Dreadnoks’. She is a bada$$ bully who uses both her brains and beauty to get what she wants (ask Mainframe or Lt Falcon who are on her list of victims).

While the vintage version of the figure was pretty common back in the day, the modern version is a rarity as it was only released during the 2011 SDCC (the Cold Slither version was even harder to find!).

Despite the higher price point, the modern version of Zarana is definitely a must-have for every Joe collector. You can’t have a Cobra collection without the Dreadnoks.. and the Ultimate Biker Group definitely won’t be complete without its resident Queen Bee.

*Not all of the pics are mine so a BIG thanks to the owners (and congratulations for a wonderful collection!).